
Investing in girls’ education transforms communities, countries, and the entire world. Girls who receive an education are less likely to marry young and more likely to lead healthy, productive lives. They earn higher incomes, participate in the decisions that most affect them, and build better futures for themselves and their families. Girls’ education strengthens economies and reduces inequality. It contributes to more stable, resilient societies that give all individuals, including boys and men, the opportunity to fulfill their potential. But education for girls is about more than access to school. It’s also about girls feeling safe in classrooms and supported in the subjects and careers they choose to pursue, including those in which they are often underrepresented. CTA works with different actors including government officials at all levels, community members, partner Civil Society Organizations to realize that through different programs including the re-entry program and Secondary Education Quality Improvement Program (SEQUIP)

CTA advocates for gender-responsive education systems, promotes STEM and digital skills for adolescent girls, corroborates to ending harmful practices (child marriage and female genital mutilation), and violence against girls, boys, and women. Promotes equitable water, sanitation, and hygiene systems, including services for menstrual health and gender-responsive social protection and care.

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